This is the first blog entry for a new website for a new organization that I will be starting in the near future. A number of years ago, I thought I started a journey as I found myself attending a healing ministry and attempted to find a way to put those broken pieces of my heart and my life back together. Little did I know at the time, but that was not the start of a new journey, but the ending of a journey that brought me back to a place where I found a renewed sense of identity and clarity of purpose that I have not known since I originally gave my life to Jesus when I was 11 years old. In the years to come, from a number of people within the Christian community, including church staff, teachers, and pastors, I was told that a number of the things that I knew I had heard from God just didn't happen in the world today, or I was living in a dream world and needed to quit dreaming and learn how to live in reality. I then proceeded to give in to those ways of thought over the next 20+ years. When I started my journey into spiritual healing and wellness, little did I know what I would find waiting under all of the hurt and pain I had gone through in life.
I have seen and experienced churches and individual church leaders hurt people within the church. I have seen individuals and groups within churches hurt their leaders. Unfortunately, we live an function in a broken and hurt world, and there isn't much we can do about that, unless we begin to believe that the God that created the universe and everything in it can help us find a way to move into a place of healing. I believe this is the purpose that God has placed me on this planet for. To start an organization that will offer a number of services to help those within our community to connect to the Father in such a new way that we once again experience a spiritual thirst to grow in our relationship with him and a spiritual hunger to learn what it means to be a disciple. It is through this spiritual thirst and hunger that we can find healing, restoration, and the freedom we all desire.
At this point in time, this website will not be running at full capacity. I still have a lot of work to do behind the scenes to get the organization created, and start building the brand, and generating value for those who will be using the services that we will be offering once we are fully operational. While I am pursuing my ministry degree and ordination as a pastor, I will be continuing my work as an engineer (unless something unforeseen arises). This means that I will have a limited number of hours that I can meet and minister to people, so I will be offering what ministry time I have to pastors at no fee, because I do believe the health of a church begins with the pastor.
As things begin to move along, I will update you on everything going on though the blogs on this website, our social media accounts, and any new directions we may be moving in. Please be patient as I work this in between work, school, and church. Please feel free to use the comments section below or the "Contact Us" button to leave me any helpful comments or words of encouragement. May the Lord our God bless us all as we learn what it means to walk in HIS will for each of our individual lives.
